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Uploading maps

Local game/Navezgane

Upload an existing local game - template e.g. Navezgane:

  1. Go to %AppData%.
  2. Go to: \Roaming\7DaysToDie. Instruction for Navezgane and PREGEN*
  3. Create new directory somewere (on desktop) - name it ‘upload’
  4. In the upload directory create two subdirectories: save_game user_data 2. From 7DaysToDie directory copy entire 7DaysToDie\Saves\Navezgane to save_data.
  5. Go to upload/save_game/Navezgane and rename the game you like to upload to ‘MyGame’ (important: no space between words!), remove other saves. Now your upload should have the following structure: save_game\Navezgane\MyGame\[files] user_data [empty]
  6. Go to upload, select only save_game and user_data; zip them together.
  7. Configure the server to use Navezgane map.
  8. Upload the zip file.

Local game/RWG

Upload an existing local game - RWG maps:

  1. Create a new directory somewere (on desktop) - name it ‘upload’
  2. In the upload directory create two subdirectories: save_game user_data
  3. From 7DaysToDie directory copy entire 7DaysToDie\Saves\YOUR_WORLD_NAME to save_data
  4. Go to upload/save_game/YOUR_WORLD_NAME and rename the game you like to upload to “MyGame” (no space!), remove other saves now your upload should have following structure: save_game\YOUR_WORLD_NAME\MyGame\[files] user_data [empty]
  5. Go to 7DaysToDie directory and copy entire GeneratedWorlds to upload\user_data
  6. Go to upload\user_data\GeneratedWorlds and remove worlds not related to your saved game your structure should looks like: save_game\YOUR_WORLD_NAME\MyGame\[files] user_data\GeneratedWorlds\YOUR_WORLD_NAME
  7. Go to upload, select save_game and user_data; zip them together.
  8. Upload the zip file
  9. Activate world

Externally generated maps e.g. Nitrogen

Uploading map from Nitrogen/other generator

  1. Create two directories: save_game user_data
  2. In user_data create GeneratedWorlds
  3. Copy your map into user_data\GeneratedWorlds
  4. Your structure should look like this: save_game [empty] user_data\GeneratedWorlds\YOUR_WORLD_NAME
  5. Select save_game and user_data; zip them together.
  6. Upload the zip file
  7. Activate the world